As the instruction is that over 70’s should stay in their homes, I cannot use the steps inside the Chapel so instead I have copied parts of the footsteps for each day.
Monday of Holy Week
In the Bible in Matthew 21:16 it says: ‘The men said to Jesus, “Don’t you hear what those children are saying?” “Yes, I do!” Jesus answered. “Don’t you know that the Scriptures say, ‘Children and infants will sing praises’?” Children were hugely important to Jesus and he knew how special they were. Maybe you would like to pray for the children who are not in school, especially those with special needs, and also that all children will be safe during this difficult time.On the Monday of Holy Week, Jesus went to the temple and saw the way that His father’s house was being treated. There were people trading and running markets in a holy place of worship. This made Jesus very angry and in response He turned over the tables and drove people from the temple (Mark 11: 12-18). Sometimes we can think of Jesus as just a kind man, but He also showed other emotions. He led a human life and felt real emotions. Think about Jesus and pray for those who make you angry.
During the Monday of Holy Week Jesus was hungry, while on his work he saw a fig tree that was bearing no fruit. He cursed this fig tree and it withered in response. Jesus told his disciples that if we have faith and do not doubt then we could do the same and all our prayers would be answered. Maybe there is a situation in your own life that you don’t think can change and you wish you didn’t have. Pray about it as you look at a living tree.
Tuesday of Holy Week
On Tuesday in Holy Week, Jesus spent time walking around Jerusalem, talking to people and teaching them. This was a day of lots of parables and teaching. One of the parables was predicting His death at the hands of his own people. This was realised within the next four days.Pray for those with mental problems or struggling with feeling attacked by those around them.
It was also on this day that Jesus explained the greatest commandment: to love one another just as He has loved us. During this difficult time there will be people who are struggling because of loneliness and fear. Today I found out that the Night Shelter has had to close, which leaves people who are homeless nowhere to go for help. Pray for those people and that the shelter will be opened again soon.
Jesus told the parable of the wise and foolish bridesmaids in Matthew 25: 1-13. In this story Jesus taught that we should always be ready for him. Candles will be lit today to remind us that we will one day be able to experience life with Jesus in Heaven.
Wednesday of Holy Week

Also, on the Wednesday, Jesus had expensive perfume poured on him by a lady. She anointed Him. This was her way of displaying her love for Him. This also showed preparation for His death. Pray about your preparation to come closer to Jesus.
Maundy Thursday
The night before He died, Jesus went to pray at the Mount of Olives. He cried out to God in anguish, asking him to take away the cup of suffering. But then He added, ‘Yet not my will but yours be done’. Think and pray about someone who is afraid.Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, the price of a slave. The temple guard arrested Jesus while He was in the garden and took Him to the high priest to be tried. Think about some of the innocent prisoners in the world who are there because of something done to them or because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Good Friday

These were the words Jesus cried out as they were banging the nails into His palms. Sometimes it is very hard to forgive, especially when you are still hurting. But when we are wounded by someone Jesus is hurt too. Pray and ask God to give you the strength to be able to forgive the way He did.
The cross was such a heavy load for Jesus that soldiers had to force a passer-by, Simon, a Libyan, to carry the cross behind Jesus. Legend says that Jesus fell down under the weight of the cross three times. What loads are you carrying deep inside? Fears, anxieties, the future. Ask God to show you those worries that you need to let go of and give them over to Him.

Paraphrased from Dame Julian of Norwich
Sit at the cross for a while, spend some time with God, talking about whatever you wish. “With a smiling face, Jesus looked at his side…there he showed me a place, beautiful and delightful, large enough for all saved humanity to rest in peace and love…And as I looked, he showed me his heart, broken in two…He helped me to understand, a little, anyhow, how God was teaching us poor souls, to appreciate the Eternal Love of God that has no beginning or end. At the same time, our Good Lord said, most beautifully, ‘See how I have loved you.’”My prayers are with you all.
With love in Christ Jesus, Marion