- To put more layers on and still go for a short walk
- Phone a friend for a chat
- Do some house work
- Read a book.
We have a break from many of our regular events in July and August. Women’s Hour ceases until September and Pilots is on hold from late July. If, however, the break is difficult for any of you, please speak to me as I might be able to open the Chapel for us to get together.
The Coffee Drop-In continues on 6th July and 3rd August.
Sunday services are held each Sunday, some at 10am and others at 6.15pm. Lifts can be arranged.
On Sunday 16th July at 3.30pm we will celebrate the 190th Anniversary of our church. The Windmill Singers will join us in our celebration and there will be a Chapel tea after the service. All are welcome to join us.
As Spring arrives with the colours of crocuses, daffodils, and later tulips, we celebrate the risen-ness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
During March and April, leading up to Easter, there are many opportunities to come closer to God and to Jesus Christ.
On the following Thursday mornings – 16th, 23rd and 30th March – at 10.45am, our Bible Studies take us through Lent with Sunday services celebrating Mothering Sunday and Palm Sunday. During Holy Week, we have a service with communion at 2.30pm on Maundy Thursday, and on Good Friday a contemplative service at 7.30pm to remember the suffering and crucifixion that Jesus went through in order to destroy the power of the devil and give us the gift of salvation.
May our Lord bless us all at this Easter-time.
Please invite your friends from other churches to this special service on Sunday, January 15th at 3pm.
Yes, you read it correctly, delicious puddings will be served after the service.
We will be joined by Harmony, the singing group from Lillington Free Church, and the preacher will be George Jones from Coventry.
All are welcome to join us.
In the last magazine I wrote about Mercy in Uganda. I hope you’ve seen her photo and school report on the piano. In this magazine I bring Panchu to you. He is 15 years of age now and struggles with his studies and asks for prayers as you will see in his letter.
Dear Aunty Hartwell,
How are you? I think you and your family all are good. But my sister has a cough and cold. Aunty you know from 16th Feb my exam has started and I am doing well in few of my papers. Please pray for me so that every day I will do hard labour and do good to be promoted to class VII. I took part in Christmas program and enjoyed very much. The play was so nice and all children performed very well. Thank you for your gift that you had given me a Christmas card. It is very nice. In Scripture class we are taught about Jesus. I also learnt many stories and memory verses. I write a verse for you.
Mark 10:14 Jesus told don’t stop the children to come to me. For the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them.
With love,